Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Commercialization of Christmas

Christmas tree lighting at the White House.
          Christmas time in America is always full of joy, rituals, and of course presents! America did not always have these things. We didn't always celebrate this holiday full of fun. Christmas wasnt always a legalized holiday either. It wasnt until the 1800's when Christmas became legalized. Also all the Christmas traditions we have now did not start until the late 19th and early 20th Century.

Christmas Stockings
         In the early 19th century, christmas traditions started to become alive. The day Jesus was born was starting to be taught in sunday school, and it started to become a celebration. Christmas hymns were composed, and other new customs became a part of the celebration. Americas christmas traditions are from German customs, for example the Christmas tree. The tree focuses on giving and recieving. in the late 19th century, people would cover their trees with small gifts and goods to eat,also stockings would be hung on them so more stuff could be put on the tree. Media introduced the tradition of the tree also. Trees became popular, and businesses could begin to sell them. Selling christmas trees became a factor of why tree decoration businesses started also. The white house has an annual christmas tree lighting which sparks up the season of joy, peace, and gifts!
          The tree was also a place to showcase a gift exchange. Gifts eventually grew in size and amount, this is when wrapping paper became fashionable. Presents grew too large to hang on tree, so when placed under the tree wrapped you know you are presented with a gift. Gift giving could sometimes be controversial. People could argue that it takes away the meaning of christmas. The coming of age of commercialization of christmas is mainly through gifts. Hand-made gifts used to be chosen over purchased gifts, but as time went on, it was easier to purchase gifts. Gifts also became popular because of the tale of Santa Clause.

Santa in a Coca Cola Ad
       Santa Claus started when Clement C. Moore wrote "A Visit From St. Nicholas", and illustrator Thomas Nast. In this book, St. Nick delivers gifts, and shows the emphasis of kids and special family time. Santa's image is mainly from the illustrations of Thomas Nast. The image of a beard, big belly, and a red suit became popular. Charity became a big thing through Santa also. Santa was also seen as a romantic vision of American Capitalism, because his elves help supply his toys unselfishly and they worked very hard. He became so popular that he was promoted in many ads during christmas time, which made christmas a lot more commercialized.

      Other customs that the Germans introduced to the U.S. are Christmas cards. They became popular because they were an image of joy and they drew long distance, family and friend, relationships together. Louis Prang was the man who started the christmas card buisness, he was a German immigrant who quickly became a printer in the U.S. He described his cards as small, affordable, and artistic. He would sponsor competitions for the making of christmas cards, it became big quickly and other manufacturers entered the market of Christmas cards. Not only did the Germans bring tradition that became popular, but so did the Victorian age. The victorians helped shape christmas tradition, having a them of family, peace, and goodwill.